The Carson&Bear Marketplace

The Carson&Bear Marketplace

If you still have questions after reviewing the information below, contact our Carson&Bear™ Customer Support here.

What is the Carson&Bear Marketplace?

The Carson&Bear Marketplace is an online store easily accessible through our TailScore app (Available on the Apple and Google App platforms) or via our portal at

Our Marketplace offers the highest quality, Carson&Bear veterinary and research scientist approved products to help your canine best friends live their longest and healthiest life possible.

The Marketplace not only offers Carson&Bear products, but you can also find hand-selected and diligently vetted, Affiliate products that hold up to the Carson&Bear TailScore standard.

How do I order products from the Carson&Bear Marketplace?

Simply select the product you wish to purchase, and you will be directed to either the Carson&Bear order fulfillment form, or for Affiliate products, you will be directed to their personalized order fulfillment form.

What's special about the products offered on the Carson&Bear Marketplace?

Our Marketplace offers the highest quality, Carson&Bear veterinary and research scientist approved products to help your canine best friend(s) live their longest and healthiest life possible.

How do I get my products listed for sale in the Carson&Bear Marketplace?

We love to hear about exciting new products and services!  Please contact 

Can I suggest new vendors and products to Carson&Bear, for inclusion in the Carson&Bear Marketplace?

Absolutely!  We love to hear about exciting new products and services!  Please contact 

How does the Carson&Bear TailScore affect what products are offered in the Marketplace?

Eligible Affiliate products must get a Carson&Bear TailScore of 6 or above to be considered for sale in the Carson&Bear Marketplace.

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